Event Information

Event on 2022-10-14 17:33, Vaduz FL, Magnitude 3.1
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Local time 2022-10-14 17:33:06
UTC Time 2022-10-14 15:33:06
Event Type earthquake
Latitude / Longitude 47.11 / 9.57
Swiss Coordinates 761402 / 220219
Magnitude 3.1
Magnitude Type MLhc
Location Vaduz FL
Depth [km] 2.2
Location Type manual
Agency SED
Last Update 12-11-2022 13:14:07
Danger level 2 (as defined by federal agencies with responsibility for natural hazards)
Origin ID & Metadata smi:ch.ethz.sed/sc20ag/Origin/NLL.20221112131350.331787.89062

Observed macroseismic intensities

Zip Code
Epicentral Distance
# of Reports
9497 Triesenberg CH 2 km IV 58
9495 Triesen CH 3 km IV 93
9490 Vaduz CH 4 km IV 70
9475 Sevelen CH 6 km IV 20
9476 Weite CH 6 km IV 5
9498 Planken CH 7 km felt 4
9494 Schaan CH 7 km IV 75
9479 Oberschan CH 8 km felt 3
9486 Schaanwald CH 8 km felt 2
9478 Azmoos CH 8 km felt 4
9496 Balzers CH 8 km IV 58
9485 Nendeln CH 9 km felt 3
9477 Trübbach CH 9 km IV 11
9470 Buchs SG CH 9 km IV 27
9492 Eschen CH 11 km IV 12
9493 Mauren FL CH 11 km felt 4
9469 Haag (Rheintal) CH 12 km felt 1
9487 Gamprin-Bendern CH 12 km felt 1
9472 Grabs CH 12 km III 7
7304 Maienfeld CH 13 km felt 1
9491 Ruggell CH 14 km felt 1
8888 Heiligkreuz (Mels) CH 14 km felt 1
8892 Berschis CH 17 km felt 1
8890 Flums CH 17 km felt 1
7325 Schwendi im Weisstannental CH 20 km felt 1
4402 Frenkendorf CH 147 km felt 1

*An intensity value according to the European Macroseismic Scale (EMS-98) is only given from six reports onwards per postal code .

Waveform Image:
waveform image, if available
Traveltime plot:
travel time plot. click to enlarge in separate window.
GSE 2.1 provisional format
MSG_ID 2022/10/14_035413378 CHE_NDC
Reviewed Event Bulletin (REB) of the CHE_NDC for October 14, 2022, 03:33:06.063
EVENT 2022/10/14_033306063 VADUZ FL
Date Time Err RMS Latitude Longitude Smaj Smin Az Depth Err Ndef Nsta Gap mdist Mdist Qual Author OrigID
2022/10/14 15:33:06.06 0.20 47.1151 9.5686 344.4 153.6 158 1.7 0.2 53 31 96 0.01 0.44 m i ke SED --------

Magnitude Err Nsta Author OrigID
MLhc 3.1 0.2 242 SED --------

Sta Dist EvAz Phase Time TRes Azim AzRes Slow SRes Def SNR Amp Per Qual Magnitude ArrID
TRIE1 0.01 217.3 Pg 15:33:06.912 0.2 ___ 220865.9 mc_ MLhc 3.2 --------
STRW 0.01 276.5 Pg 15:33:06.788 0.1 ___ 326216.0 mc_ MLhc 3.3 --------
STRW 0.01 276.5 Sg 15:33:07.327 0.2 ___ m__ MLhc 3.3 --------
SBUA2 0.08 303.3 Pg 15:33:07.714 -0.1 ___ 37361.2 md_ MLhc 3.2 --------
SBUH 0.09 311.6 Pg 15:33:07.924 0.0 ___ 69077.0 md_ MLhc 3.3 --------
SWERG 0.09 307.0 Pg 15:33:07.998 -0.1 ___ 70805.7 md_ MLhc 3.6 --------
SMFL 0.10 350.5 Pg 15:33:08.140 -0.1 ___ 157379.6 mc_ MLhc 3.2 --------
SMFL 0.10 350.5 Sg 15:33:09.899 -0.2 ___ m__ --------
SBUB 0.10 288.5 Pg 15:33:08.070 -0.1 ___ 11599.9 md_ MLhc 3.2 --------
SBUB 0.10 288.5 Sg 15:33:09.781 0.0 ___ m__ --------
SMELS 0.12 234.5 Pg 15:33:08.563 0.0 ___ 17547.5 mc_ MLhc 2.7 --------
SAXE 0.13 331.7 Pg 15:33:08.745 -0.1 ___ 28311.1 md_ MLhc 3.4 --------
SAXE 0.13 331.7 Sg 15:33:11.157 0.0 ___ m__ --------
PLONS 0.14 242.8 Pg 15:33:08.956 -0.1 ___ 4236.9 mc_ MLhc 3.0 --------
PLONS 0.14 242.8 Sg 15:33:11.275 0.2 ___ m__ --------
SWIM 0.17 301.1 Pg 15:33:09.558 -0.2 ___ 7278.2 md_ MLhc 3.1 --------
SWAS 0.18 272.2 Pg 15:33:09.684 0.0 ___ 35556.7 m__ MLhc 3.2 --------
SWAS 0.18 272.2 Sg 15:33:12.790 0.5 ___ m__ --------
LIENZ 0.19 343.6 Pg 15:33:09.857 -0.2 ___ 5195.3 m__ MLhc 3.2 --------
LIENZ 0.19 343.6 Sg 15:33:12.898 -0.5 ___ m__ --------
SAPK 0.24 332.2 Pg 15:33:11.230 0.1 ___ 18452.5 mc_ MLhc 3.4 --------
SAPK 0.24 332.2 Sg 15:33:15.590 0.3 ___ m__ --------
SCUG 0.26 186.4 Pg 15:33:11.413 -0.1 ___ 6614.4 m__ MLhc 3.1 --------
SCUG 0.26 186.4 Sg 15:33:15.618 0.4 ___ m__ --------
DAVA 0.27 50.9 Pg 15:33:11.565 0.0 ___ 6079.9 mc_ MLhc 3.3 --------
DAVA 0.27 50.9 Sg 15:33:16.081 0.1 ___ m__ --------
SHEK 0.30 7.3 Pg 15:33:12.852 0.4 ___ 14460.5 m__ MLhc 3.6 --------
SHEK 0.30 7.3 Sg 15:33:18.143 1.1 ___ m__ --------
SCHK 0.33 183.5 Pg 15:33:12.585 -0.3 ___ 4935.8 m__ MLhc 3.0 --------
SCHK 0.33 183.5 Sg 15:33:17.547 0.1 ___ m__ --------
STGK 0.34 336.9 Pg 15:33:12.096 -1.3 ___ 17148.6 m__ MLhc 3.5 --------
STGK 0.34 336.9 Sg 15:33:19.194 0.4 ___ m__ --------
SGLK 0.35 258.5 Pg 15:33:13.045 -0.1 ___ 10671.7 m__ MLhc 3.1 --------
SGLK 0.35 258.5 Sg 15:33:18.032 0.0 ___ m__ --------
SGT00 0.36 330.0 Pg 15:33:13.701 -0.1 ___ 2367.0 md_ MLhc 3.1 --------
SGT00 0.36 330.0 Sg 15:33:19.696 0.3 ___ m__ --------
ELM3 0.36 234.2 Pg 15:33:12.884 -0.3 ___ 2037.0 m__ MLhc 3.1 --------
ELM3 0.36 234.2 Sg 15:33:18.106 0.0 ___ m__ --------
SDAK 0.36 149.9 Pg 15:33:13.593 0.2 ___ 4180.9 m__ MLhc 2.9 --------
SDAK 0.36 149.9 Sg 15:33:19.271 0.5 ___ m__ --------
DAVOX 0.40 147.2 Pg 15:33:14.119 0.0 ___ 1601.8 md_ MLhc 3.1 --------
DAVOX 0.40 147.2 Sg 15:33:20.197 0.4 ___ m__ --------
SARE 0.41 346.4 Sg 15:33:21.547 0.5 ___ 5865.3 m__ MLhc 3.1 --------
SIZS 0.42 215.8 Pg 15:33:14.312 0.0 ___ 2718.9 mc_ MLhc 2.8 --------
SIZS 0.42 215.8 Sg 15:33:20.335 0.3 ___ m__ --------
SVAM 0.42 183.6 Pg 15:33:14.428 -0.2 ___ 2202.9 mc_ MLhc 3.0 --------
SVAM 0.42 183.6 Sg 15:33:20.382 0.0 ___ m__ --------
PANIX 0.43 227.1 Pg 15:33:13.842 -0.4 ___ 847.0 mc_ MLhc 3.2 --------
PANIX 0.43 227.1 Sg 15:33:19.893 0.0 ___ m__ --------
SLTM2 0.43 243.7 Pg 15:33:14.385 -0.1 ___ 3217.9 m__ MLhc 3.0 --------
SLTM2 0.43 243.7 Sg 15:33:20.283 0.0 ___ m__ --------
BRIZ2 0.44 177.4 Pg 15:33:14.923 0.0 ___ 2317.2 md_ MLhc 2.6 --------
BRIZ2 0.44 177.4 Sg 15:33:20.974 0.0 ___ m__ --------
WGT 0.44 267.8 Pg 15:33:14.761 -0.2 ___ 2611.7 md_ MLhc 3.4 --------
WGT 0.44 267.8 Sg 15:33:21.405 0.1 ___ m__ --------
STIEG ___ 1490.8 __ --------
VDR ___ 206.6 __ --------
FUSIO ___ 435.7 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
SRFW ___ 1109.7 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
SWIS ___ 2214.2 __ --------
SLUX ___ 1385.6 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
MMK ___ 216.8 __ --------
FELD ___ 782.3 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
SIOO ___ 1061.5 __ --------
BT050 ___ 274.4 __ --------
NNFT ___ 4177.4 __ --------
RAW2 ___ 792.5 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
ZELS ___ 704.2 __ --------
ROTE ___ 8668.0 __ --------
EMMET ___ 798.0 __ --------
GUT ___ 1579.3 __ MLhc 3.5 --------
SFRU ___ 885.4 __ --------
MH44 ___ 385.0 __ --------
FLACH ___ 6953.5 __ --------
BNALP ___ 712.5 __ --------
AGOR ___ 127.2 __ MLhc 2.7 --------
STUF ___ 920.5 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
MONT1 ___ 403.5 __ --------
ROSI ___ 1264.4 __ --------
VOGT ___ 809.9 __ MLhc 2.6 --------
SAIRA ___ 912.0 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
WALHA ___ 2838.3 __ --------
CHBJ ___ 1026.2 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
STSW2 ___ 349.2 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
FIESA ___ 853.0 __ --------
SGWS ___ 1167.8 __ --------
SCAS2 ___ 471.9 __ --------
MONT2 ___ 230.9 __ --------
PREO4 ___ 1636.3 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
SPZ03 ___ 1307.7 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
CHBK ___ 2527.4 __ MLhc 3.7 --------
RAW1 ___ 260.4 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
DIX ___ 221.0 __ --------
SALO ___ 316.6 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
STSP ___ 611.9 __ --------
BT175 ___ 327.0 __ --------
SENGL ___ 1820.7 __ --------
BALST ___ 867.7 __ --------
LKBD2 ___ 675.5 __ --------
CHHWS ___ 1449.3 __ MLhc 3.5 --------
SAUR ___ 2243.9 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
SATI ___ 156.4 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
SAYF2 ___ 618.9 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
SDES ___ 1112.9 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
STSW2 ___ 349.2 __ --------
SBUS ___ 776.5 __ --------
SPZ02 ___ 480.2 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
SBIS2 ___ 1222.4 __ --------
CHBK ___ 2527.4 __ --------
RAW4 ___ 475.8 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
NALPS ___ 329.0 __ --------
GRIMS ___ 292.2 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
STAF ___ 618.7 __ --------
MH44 ___ 385.0 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
SENIN ___ 149.0 __ --------
ZELS ___ 704.2 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
SAUR ___ 2243.9 __ --------
RAW2 ___ 792.5 __ --------
SZER ___ 782.6 __ MLhc 2.6 --------
BTCP ___ 1906.1 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
SVIO ___ 701.4 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
NNFS ___ 3320.7 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
GSF03 ___ 1548.3 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
STSP ___ 611.9 __ MLhc 2.3 --------
SFEL ___ 1970.1 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
SBUL ___ 510.5 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
JAUN ___ 559.7 __ --------
ABSI ___ 1281.8 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
SATI ___ 156.4 __ --------
STIEG ___ 1490.8 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
GMS01 ___ 1033.5 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
VDR ___ 206.6 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
SNES2 ___ 533.3 __ --------
EMBD ___ 351.4 __ --------
SZEK ___ 545.1 __ --------
MTI02 ___ 372.0 __ --------
ILLF ___ 935.9 __ --------
SRFW ___ 1109.7 __ --------
BALST ___ 867.7 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
SBAV ___ 1785.9 __ --------
CHBFH ___ 1067.9 __ --------
SGWS ___ 1167.8 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
SARD ___ 1380.4 __ --------
SCUC ___ 1068.4 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
MMK ___ 216.8 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
ILL18 ___ 517.2 __ --------
SBAK ___ 1659.6 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
SCHS ___ 4401.4 __ MLhc 3.5 --------
SFRS ___ 1544.3 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
HASLI ___ 970.0 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
MUGIO ___ 258.9 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
ILL18 ___ 517.2 __ MLhc 2.7 --------
STHE ___ 1106.8 __ --------
BULAC ___ 709.9 __ --------
QEG04 ___ 2931.7 __ MLhc 3.6 --------
SZUZ ___ 2597.5 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
DAGMA ___ 655.3 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
SSTS ___ 1808.6 __ --------
BRIZ1 ___ 1251.1 __ --------
SULZ ___ 1697.1 __ --------
BULAC ___ 709.9 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
QEG01 ___ 3795.4 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
MH36 ___ 723.1 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
BLOTZ ___ 263.9 __ MLhc 2.7 --------
EWZT2 ___ 2656.3 __ --------
QEG04 ___ 2931.7 __ --------
MTI02 ___ 372.0 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
SENIN ___ 149.0 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
SNTZ ___ 2030.4 __ --------
SLE ___ 2349.1 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
SWYZ ___ 2040.1 __ --------
SLUB ___ 2024.8 __ MLhc 3.5 --------
SZER ___ 782.6 __ --------
SARC ___ 430.9 __ --------
SCEL ___ 445.0 __ --------
SBAM2 ___ 1450.5 __ --------
EMMET ___ 798.0 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
HAMIK ___ 1109.2 __ --------
MDI ___ 233.8 __ --------
ILL14 ___ 1060.6 __ --------
ENDD ___ 544.6 __ --------
SLUK ___ 8216.2 __ MLhc 4.0 --------
SLENK ___ 2560.9 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
BOURR ___ 583.5 __ --------
BERNI ___ 246.9 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
BT050 ___ 274.4 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
DIX ___ 221.0 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
MUO ___ 1865.2 __ --------
WTTA ___ 494.2 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
UBR ___ 2291.7 __ --------
TETT ___ 3585.5 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
FIESA ___ 853.0 __ MLhc 3.5 --------
SLCF ___ 1281.7 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
BTAO ___ 374.7 __ --------
ROMAN ___ 1786.1 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
SFRU ___ 885.4 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
CHBSG ___ 1531.8 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
LAUCH ___ 832.3 __ --------
LKBD2 ___ 675.5 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
SRHB ___ 1416.4 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
PREO2 ___ 1376.0 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
SKRK ___ 3585.5 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
SULZ ___ 1697.1 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
CHASS ___ 625.0 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
ZUR ___ 1388.8 __ --------
SBAP ___ 2067.9 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
BOURR ___ 583.5 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
SLIES ___ 894.9 __ --------
RAW4 ___ 475.8 __ --------
SIOH ___ 690.5 __ --------
VDL ___ 219.7 __ MLhc 2.7 --------
LUSI ___ 191.8 __ MLhc 2.6 --------
KIZ ___ 1392.3 __ MLhc 3.5 --------
SKEK ___ 1866.1 __ --------
NNFT ___ 4177.4 __ MLhc 3.6 --------
SNIB ___ 1264.9 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
CHASS ___ 625.0 __ --------
SRHB ___ 1416.4 __ --------
BOBI ___ 685.4 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
NALPS ___ 329.0 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
SCOD ___ 487.6 __ --------
ABSI ___ 1281.8 __ --------
SIOH ___ 690.5 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
SMEIS ___ 3598.5 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
ROTHE ___ 1127.7 __ --------
ACB ___ 2685.5 __ --------
FLACH ___ 6953.5 __ MLhc 3.5 --------
SRER ___ 914.7 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
SARD ___ 1380.4 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
ZUR ___ 1388.8 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
SLUK ___ 8216.2 __ --------
GRYON ___ 230.9 __ --------
MOSI ___ 882.4 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
ROTHE ___ 1127.7 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
SCOU ___ 753.2 __ --------
SCOD ___ 487.6 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
SALO ___ 316.6 __ --------
TORNY ___ 539.9 __ --------
MDI ___ 233.8 __ MLhc 2.6 --------
SZEK ___ 545.1 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
BERGE ___ 514.9 __ --------
WEIN2 ___ 9158.8 __ --------
SHER ___ 258.0 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
TRULL ___ 4126.6 __ --------
MOSI ___ 882.4 __ --------
NNFW ___ 3731.8 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
SBERN ___ 1493.0 __ --------
SPZ01 ___ 1022.0 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
SBIK ___ 2614.5 __ --------
MH48 ___ 328.8 __ --------
SLUX ___ 1385.6 __ --------
SMZW ___ 1852.8 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
SDES ___ 1112.9 __ --------
WALHA ___ 2838.3 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
GUT ___ 1579.3 __ --------
SBAF ___ 1632.8 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
SRHE ___ 1814.2 __ --------
STBO ___ 1287.3 __ MLhc 3.6 --------
SLENK ___ 2560.9 __ --------
QEG03 ___ 2604.5 __ MLhc 3.5 --------
BFO ___ 544.4 __ --------
BOBI ___ 685.4 __ --------
GRO01 ___ 1104.9 __ --------
SAYF2 ___ 618.9 __ --------
SCHS ___ 4401.4 __ --------
SFEL ___ 1970.1 __ --------
MTI01 ___ 446.1 __ --------
TRULL ___ 4126.6 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
MUTEZ ___ 832.6 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
BRIZ1 ___ 1251.1 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
BTAP ___ 771.1 __ --------
SGAK ___ 859.1 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
CHHWS ___ 1449.3 __ --------
FUORN ___ 306.5 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
QEG02 ___ 11122.7 __ --------
SZIM ___ 766.8 __ --------
SPZ02 ___ 480.2 __ --------
STHK ___ 1243.9 __ --------
ILLF ___ 935.9 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
ENDD ___ 544.6 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
NNFS ___ 3320.7 __ --------
LLS ___ 895.4 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
SIO02 ___ 817.8 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
WIMIS ___ 281.2 __ --------
VANNI ___ 364.4 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
KOSI ___ 456.4 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
CHKS ___ 2178.5 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
SRHH ___ 1401.3 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
SBAV ___ 1785.9 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
SINS ___ 1994.9 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
QEG00 ___ 4771.1 __ --------
BT175 ___ 327.0 __ MLhc 2.6 --------
FETA ___ 298.0 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
SOLB ___ 2309.4 __ --------
BNALP ___ 712.5 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
QEG01 ___ 3795.4 __ --------
SIOV ___ 336.3 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
LLS ___ 895.4 __ --------
SARK ___ 1784.9 __ --------
BTRH ___ 1465.0 __ --------
SOLB ___ 2309.4 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
STHE ___ 1106.8 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
GSF03 ___ 1548.3 __ --------
LUSI ___ 191.8 __ --------
SIOO ___ 1061.5 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
VANNI ___ 364.4 __ --------
SLIES ___ 894.9 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
SKLW ___ 3448.5 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
SBAM2 ___ 1450.5 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
WALT ___ 410.6 __ --------
WISS1 ___ 340.0 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
SBUS ___ 776.5 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
MUO ___ 1865.2 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
BERNI ___ 246.9 __ --------
CHBSG ___ 1531.8 __ --------
BTCP ___ 1906.1 __ --------
VARE ___ 289.1 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
UBR ___ 2291.7 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
NNFW ___ 3731.8 __ --------
SARK ___ 1784.9 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
SBIK ___ 2614.5 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
SNTZ ___ 2030.4 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
MH36 ___ 723.1 __ --------
SBAJ2 ___ 1654.7 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
HAMIK ___ 1109.2 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
STEIN ___ 2245.9 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
SMEIS ___ 3598.5 __ --------
SBAJ2 ___ 1654.7 __ --------
SSCN ___ 1108.6 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
SLUX1 ___ 1536.6 __ --------
SLOP ___ 874.0 __ --------
SKEK ___ 1866.1 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
SOLZ ___ 1621.8 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
SFRA ___ 1526.0 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
SLCF ___ 1281.7 __ --------
VMV ___ 159.4 __ --------
STRB ___ 553.3 __ --------
STUF ___ 920.5 __ --------
SLUX1 ___ 1536.6 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
SBAK ___ 1659.6 __ --------
SCRM ___ 510.7 __ --------
SCAS2 ___ 471.9 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
AGOR ___ 127.2 __ --------
SLUW ___ 3812.5 __ --------
SKAF ___ 785.4 __ --------
SKLW ___ 3448.5 __ --------
DAGMA ___ 655.3 __ --------
STRB ___ 553.3 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
SINS ___ 1994.9 __ --------
MABI ___ 76.8 __ MLhc 2.6 --------
SIO02 ___ 817.8 __ --------
SRER ___ 914.7 __ --------
BERGE ___ 514.9 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
QEG03 ___ 2604.5 __ --------
SWIK ___ 8138.7 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
SBERN ___ 1493.0 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
PREO4 ___ 1636.3 __ --------
KOSI ___ 456.4 __ --------
SBGN ___ 993.3 __ MLhc 2.7 --------
BTAP ___ 771.1 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
GMS01 ___ 1033.5 __ --------
EWZT2 ___ 2656.3 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
FUSIO ___ 435.7 __ --------
VMV ___ 159.4 __ MLhc 2.3 --------
CHBFH ___ 1067.9 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
WALT ___ 410.6 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
METMA ___ 502.6 __ --------
ROTE ___ 8668.0 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
A060B ___ 751.3 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
SGAK ___ 859.1 __ --------
SRHH ___ 1401.3 __ --------
BTRH ___ 1465.0 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
GRIMS ___ 292.2 __ --------
SENGL ___ 1820.7 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
SLUB ___ 2024.8 __ --------
VARE ___ 289.1 __ --------
SWYZ ___ 2040.1 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
FETA ___ 298.0 __ --------
WOLEN ___ 389.5 __ --------
SIOV ___ 336.3 __ --------
HAUIG ___ 1288.9 __ --------
BLOTZ ___ 263.9 __ --------
SBIS2 ___ 1222.4 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
MONT2 ___ 230.9 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
SKAF ___ 785.4 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
SCOU ___ 753.2 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
SEFS ___ 3016.7 __ --------
CHKS ___ 2178.5 __ --------
SFRS ___ 1544.3 __ --------
RAW1 ___ 260.4 __ --------
HELU ___ 1811.7 __ --------
SHER ___ 258.0 __ --------
SSTS ___ 1808.6 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
SKRK ___ 3585.5 __ --------
SUSI ___ 1776.9 __ --------
SFRA ___ 1526.0 __ --------
WTTA ___ 494.2 __ --------
SVIO ___ 701.4 __ --------
SPZ03 ___ 1307.7 __ --------
FUORN ___ 306.5 __ --------
SRHE ___ 1814.2 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
EMBD ___ 351.4 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
HASLI ___ 970.0 __ --------
MUGIO ___ 258.9 __ --------
SMZW ___ 1852.8 __ --------
SBAF ___ 1632.8 __ --------
RETA ___ 536.7 __ --------
ROSI ___ 1264.4 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
SCRM ___ 510.7 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
WISS1 ___ 340.0 __ --------
BTAO ___ 374.7 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
PREO2 ___ 1376.0 __ --------
SNES2 ___ 533.3 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
SBGN ___ 993.3 __ --------
MABI ___ 76.8 __ --------
SZUZ ___ 2597.5 __ --------
BRMO ___ 167.5 __ MLhc 2.7 --------
WILA ___ 3692.8 __ --------
SBAS ___ 4208.7 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
SPZ01 ___ 1022.0 __ --------
SCUC ___ 1068.4 __ --------
SEFS ___ 3016.7 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
SNIB ___ 1264.9 __ --------
STAF ___ 618.7 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
BFO ___ 544.4 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
STEIN ___ 2245.9 __ --------
GRYON ___ 230.9 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
RETA ___ 536.7 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
MTI01 ___ 446.1 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
SAIRA ___ 912.0 __ --------
SUSI ___ 1776.9 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
SOLZ ___ 1621.8 __ --------
LAUCH ___ 832.3 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
STBO ___ 1287.3 __ --------
QEG00 ___ 4771.1 __ MLhc 3.4 --------
MH48 ___ 328.8 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
MUTEZ ___ 832.6 __ --------
SBAS ___ 4208.7 __ --------
GRO01 ___ 1104.9 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
METMA ___ 502.6 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
JAUN ___ 559.7 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
SLE ___ 2349.1 __ --------
SZIM ___ 766.8 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
VDL ___ 219.7 __ --------
EMING ___ 1660.3 __ --------
SZWD2 ___ 680.2 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
STHK ___ 1243.9 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
VOGT ___ 809.9 __ --------
SWIS ___ 2214.2 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
SWIK ___ 8138.7 __ --------
TETT ___ 3585.5 __ --------
SLOP ___ 874.0 __ MLhc 2.8 --------
WEIN2 ___ 9158.8 __ MLhc 3.9 --------
WOLEN ___ 389.5 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
SLUW ___ 3812.5 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
ROMAN ___ 1786.1 __ --------
WILA ___ 3692.8 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
QEG02 ___ 11122.7 __ MLhc 3.6 --------
SARC ___ 430.9 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
SBUL ___ 510.5 __ --------
A060B ___ 751.3 __ --------
ACB ___ 2685.5 __ MLhc 3.3 --------
KIZ ___ 1392.3 __ --------
MONT1 ___ 403.5 __ MLhc 2.9 --------
EMING ___ 1660.3 __ MLhc 3.2 --------
BRMO ___ 167.5 __ --------
HELU ___ 1811.7 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
SZWD2 ___ 680.2 __ --------
ILL14 ___ 1060.6 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
SBAP ___ 2067.9 __ --------
SCEL ___ 445.0 __ MLhc 2.6 --------
CHBJ ___ 1026.2 __ --------
FELD ___ 782.3 __ --------
SSCN ___ 1108.6 __ --------
TORNY ___ 539.9 __ MLhc 3.1 --------
HAUIG ___ 1288.9 __ MLhc 3.0 --------
WIMIS ___ 281.2 __ MLhc 3.1 --------

QuakeML format

Ground motion estimates (ShakeMap raw data)

PGV (m/s), ESRI shp format
EMS-98 intensity, ESRI shp format
PGA (m/s2), ESRI shp format
Earthquake announcements

Meldung / Announcement / Annuncio / Annonce Nr: 2
für dieses Ereignis / concernant cet événement / per questo evento / for this event

ERDBEBENMELDUNG des Schweizerischen Erdbebendienstes an der ETH

Der Schweizerische Erdbebendienst an der ETH Zürich hat in Liechtenstein,
bei Vaduz ein Erdbeben registriert. Das Beben ereignete sich am
14. Oktober 2022 um 17:33:06 Uhr (Lokalzeit) mit einer Magnitude
von etwa 3.1 auf der Richterskala. Dieses Erdbeben dürfte in der
Nähe des Epizentrums deutlich verspürt worden sein. Schäden sind
bei einem Erdbeben dieser Stärke in der Regel nicht zu erwarten.

Auf www.seismo.ethz.ch finden Sie weitere Informationen sowie
die Möglichkeit, Beobachtungen zum Beben zu melden.

Diese Angaben wurden von einem Seismologen / einer Seismologin

Annonce de TREMBLEMENT DE TERRE du Service Sismologique Suisse
à l'ETH de Zurich

Le Service Sismologique Suisse à l'ETH de Zurich a enregistré
un tremblement de terre en Liechtenstein, près de Vaduz. La secousse
a eu lieu le 14 octobre 2022 à 17:33:06 (heure locale) avec une
magnitude d'environ 3.1 sur l'échelle de Richter. Ce tremblement
de terre a vraisemblablement été ressenti de manière assez forte
à proximité de l'épicentre. En règle générale, on ne s’attend
pas à des dégâts pour un tremblement de terre de cette magnitude.

Pour de plus amples informations, visitez le site www.seismo.ethz.ch,
on peut également y faire part de ses propres observations concernant
le tremblement de terre.

Ces données ont été vérifiées par un sismologue.

Annuncio di TERREMOTO del Servizio Sismico Svizzero con sede all'ETH
di Zurigo

Il Servizio Sismico Svizzero con sede all'ETH di Zurigo ha registrato
un terremoto in Liechtenstein, presso Vaduz. Il terremoto è avvenuto
il 14 ottobre 2022 alle ore 17:33:06 (ora locale) ed aveva una
magnitudo di circa 3.1 sulla scala Richter. Probabilmente questo
terremoto è stato percepito chiaramente nelle vicinanze dell'epicentro.
Normalmente da un terremoto di questa magnitudo non si attendono

Ulteriori informazioni si trovano sul sito www.seismo.ethz.ch,
dove potete anche comunicare le vostre osservazioni su questo

Queste informazioni sono state verificate da un sismologo.

EARTHQUAKE announcement from the Swiss Seismological Service at
the ETH Zurich

The Swiss Seismological Service at the ETH Zurich has detected
an earthquake in Liechtenstein, near Vaduz. The earthquake occurred
on 14 October 2022 at 17:33:06 (local time) with a magnitude of
about 3.1 on the Richter scale. This earthquake is likely to have
been clearly felt close to the epicenter. In general, an earthquake
of this magnitude does not cause any damage.

For further information visit www.seismo.ethz.ch, where it is
also possible to submit felt reports for this earthquake.

This information has been verified by a seismologist.


Meldung / Announcement / Annuncio / Annonce Nr: 1
für dieses Ereignis / concernant cet événement / per questo evento / for this event

ERDBEBENMELDUNG des Schweizerischen Erdbebendienstes an der ETH

Der Schweizerische Erdbebendienst an der ETH Zürich hat in Liechtenstein,
bei Vaduz ein Erdbeben registriert. Das Beben ereignete sich am
14. Oktober 2022 um 17:33:05 Uhr (Lokalzeit) mit einer Magnitude
von etwa 3.2 auf der Richterskala. Dieses Erdbeben dürfte in der
Nähe des Epizentrums deutlich verspürt worden sein. Schäden sind
bei einem Erdbeben dieser Stärke in der Regel nicht zu erwarten.

Auf www.seismo.ethz.ch finden Sie weitere Informationen sowie
die Möglichkeit, Beobachtungen zum Beben zu melden.

Achtung: Diese Angaben wurden automatisch berechnet und noch nicht
von einem Seismologen / einer Seismologin überprüft.

Annonce de TREMBLEMENT DE TERRE du Service Sismologique Suisse
à l'ETH de Zurich

Le Service Sismologique Suisse à l'ETH de Zurich a enregistré
un tremblement de terre en Liechtenstein, près de Vaduz. La secousse
a eu lieu le 14 octobre 2022 à 17:33:05 (heure locale) avec une
magnitude d'environ 3.2 sur l'échelle de Richter. Ce tremblement
de terre a vraisemblablement été ressenti de manière assez forte
à proximité de l'épicentre. En règle générale, on ne s’attend
pas à des dégâts pour un tremblement de terre de cette magnitude.

Pour de plus amples informations, visitez le site www.seismo.ethz.ch,
on peut également y faire part de ses propres observations concernant
le tremblement de terre.

Attention: Ces données ont été calculées de manière automatique
et n'ont pas encore été vérifiées par un sismologue.

Annuncio di TERREMOTO del Servizio Sismico Svizzero con sede all'ETH
di Zurigo

Il Servizio Sismico Svizzero con sede all'ETH di Zurigo ha registrato
un terremoto in Liechtenstein, presso Vaduz. Il terremoto è avvenuto
il 14 ottobre 2022 alle ore 17:33:05 (ora locale) ed aveva una
magnitudo di circa 3.2 sulla scala Richter. Probabilmente questo
terremoto è stato percepito chiaramente nelle vicinanze dell'epicentro.
Normalmente da un terremoto di questa magnitudo non si attendono

Ulteriori informazioni si trovano sul sito www.seismo.ethz.ch,
dove potete anche comunicare le vostre osservazioni su questo

Attenzione: Queste informazioni sono state calcolate automaticamente
e non sono state ancora verificate da un sismologo.

EARTHQUAKE announcement from the Swiss Seismological Service at
the ETH Zurich

The Swiss Seismological Service at the ETH Zurich has detected
an earthquake in Liechtenstein, near Vaduz. The earthquake occurred
on 14 October 2022 at 17:33:05 (local time) with a magnitude of
about 3.2 on the Richter scale. This earthquake is likely to have
been clearly felt close to the epicenter. In general, an earthquake
of this magnitude does not cause any damage.

For further information visit www.seismo.ethz.ch, where it is
also possible to submit felt reports for this earthquake.

Warning: This information has been created automatically and has
not been verified by a seismologist.

This Event in Swisstopo Viewer:
External link, opens in new tab